Social Proof Kiva Logic Integration is a service that allows you to display 'social proof' by using recent purchases and signups to display a popup badge on your website.
To use the integration with Kiva Logic, first you have to create your own account.
Once you have a account, navigate to the Apps area on your admin, and look for the Provely section. Then click on 'Activate Provely'
You will be prompted to enter in your Campaign Id. In the example here, the ID is 1215
Type in your campaign id, ie '1215' in the input text box and click 'Save Provely code'. You are done! The provely widget will now be displayed on your website to all visitors that are not logged in.
The reason for this is we don't want to show this widget once a visitor has become a customer. They no longer need the social proof to help them through the sign-up or checkout process.