General Reports Overview
The Reports Overview page will give you a week-by-week accounting of the following information for your business (you can select a from and to week period for the chart/data):
All Orders Generated(cancelled, promo, paid), Skipped, Orders, Skipped Revenue, Skipped, AVG $, Avg $ per, paying order, Addons, Revenue, Pending, Pending + Revenue, Paid Orders, Promo Orders, Closed At, Skipped Percent, Promo Signups
This is the default report that has the weekly order graph and data table below.
Box Type Breakdown
This report will show you how many of each type of box that you have delivered each week (how many smalls, how many mediums, how many larges, for example).
What's New
See all of the latest changes and updates from Kiva logic. Here you will find bug fixes, new feature announcements, news, updates, and any other changes that we think you should know about.
Future Demand
The future demand report shows you how many orders you are scheduled to deliver in the upcoming weeks.
Order Wholesale +/-
The Wholesale Cost +/- report looks at the original wholesale cost of an order, then compares it the current wholesale cost of the order. This allows you to see what effect the subs that customers make on the total value of an order. If a number is red, then that means the customer has made subs that have decreased the overall value of the order. If the number is green, then the customer has made subs that have increased the overall value of the order.
Email Stats
This report will show you how many emails you are sending, what your domain's email sending reputation is, and also contains any emails that have been blacklisted.
If a customer marks your email as 'spam', they are then put on the blacklist so that they will NEVER receive another email. This is to protect your sending reputation and helps keep your emails successfuly landing in the inboxes of customers that want them.
Emails Sent Status
Filter and view all emails sent for a period of up to 90 days.
Contact Form
A simple way to see all of the contact form submissions made on your site. Any time a contact form is submitted, the message is logged in the database as well as sent to your default customer service email.
Missed Zip Codes
If a customer attempts to sign up using a zip/postal code that is not in your delivery area, they are logged and stored here. This tool is useful to see what zip codes could be ready for expansion!
Missed Signups
If a customer begins the signup process but does not complete it, their email address is captured and you can view the report here.
Recurring Items
A report of all customers that have recurring items on their account.
Produce Reports (Alpha)
An experimental report that shouldn't be used yet :)
Addons History
This page allows you to view all products sold from a given time frame. You can also enter a name to search for within the time frame, like "banana" or "milk".
Addons Report
View stats for addons (items purchased by customers in addition to their main subscription) for the current or previous weeks, and also view a customer breakdown. Read more about the Addons Report here
Tell a Friend
If you have the 'Tell a friend' feature enabled on the Apps page, this report shows you the messages sent from the "Tell A Friend" page on the front of the website.
If you have the referrals feature enabled, this is where you can see what referrals are pending, and what customers are owed money. You do not have to visit this page on a regular basis, since if any customers are ready for a credit a notice will pop up on the dashboard.
Referral Leaders
See which of your customers have referred the most new business to you!
How Did You Hear by Customer
See what customers entered when prompted 'how did you hear about us?' in the sign up process.
How Did You Hear Summary
An overview of 'how did you hear'.
The content for this section is just a stub.
We have an experimental bookkeeping feature that no one uses.
Credits Reports
no content yet...
Daily Reports
no content yet...
Revenue Per Customer
no content yet...
Tax Reports
no content yet...
Chat Room
So, we built a chat room for Kiva Logic customers to chat with each other. Either a) we never announced it or b) we announced it and no one uses it. Who can be sure? It was a fun feature to build though!
Sales Pipeline
This is a cool feature that mimics the functionality of PipeDrive. You can have columns where individual deals are kept (your sales pipeline), and you can drag and drop deals from one column to another. You can also set 'todos' for each deal, and there is a little dot that displays red if a deal has a pending task due that has not been completed.
Of course, this is nowere near as advanced as PipeDrive (which is some amazing software), but it gets the basics done and it's built right in to the Kiva Logic software. For example, we have the columns set up as:
"Cold Candidates", these are companies that we've received a message from or that we've identified as companies that could benefit from the Kiva Logic software. They are sales leads.
"Contacted No Reply", people/companies that we've reached out to, but have not heard back from.
"We're Talking", people/companies that we are talking to via email or phone and have an ongoing conversation with.
"Very Interested", companies that have expressed a lot of interest and could be converted to a customer any day!
"Won", companies that have become customers :)
- "Lost", for whatever reason, if a company isn't a good fit or we do not see ever becoming a customer, we can drag and drop them into the "Lost" column so that we know not to bug or talk to that company any more.
Each column uses a multiplier to calculate the approximate value of the potential deals in the column. For example, deals in the "Cold Candiates" might be assigned a 10% chance to become actual customers. So, when we talk about our set up fee, we multiple $1500 x 10% to get the potential value of all the companies in the "Cold Candidates" category.
As companies progress through our sales pipeline, the probability of the company becoming an actual customer goes up! As another example, by the time a company reaches the "Very Interested" stage, we might assigned a value of 80%, meaning we expect 80% of the companies in this column to become real customers.
Sorry for the blurry image, we don't have this feature set up on the demo site but wanted to give you an idea of what it looks like on some real old data of ours.
Using our built-in alerts & notifications feature, any actions that need to be completed will show up on the dashboard on their due date.
Right now, this is only used by us (the Kiva Logic people), but if you have any interest in using it, drop us a line at