2013-05-03 Send Your Weekly Email to ALL Customers- New Feature


Before this feature update when you send out a weekly email to your customers notifying them that their personal menu has been created and they can log in to your website to make changes, the email would only be generated for customers who were scheduled to receive a box for the current week.


You'll notice a new checkbox on the Weekly Cycle page that will now allow you to send the email to all of your active customers- not just the ones who are getting a delivery that week. By emailing everyone, you can keep them in the loop with local happenings, entice them to schedule an extra delivery because of sales or the items on your menu, and more.

nodeliveryscheduledCustomers that are active but NOT scheduled to receive a delivery will have a different message on the sidebar in their email. Instead of displaying their delivery date, change cutoff date, and list of items in their order, they will see "No Delivery Scheduled This Week". See the image for an example.


Easy- When you are working on the email portion of your weekly cycle, simply check the box that says "Send to All Active Customers". This will allow the system to generate an email for everyone, not just people who are scheduled to receive an order.

Get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions @kivalogic or email service@kivalogic.com.

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