2013-03-08 Now Introducing Responsive Design

date: 2013-03-08 14:49:48+00:00


After many long months of working on our latest top secret project, and finally introducing, responsive design for your website design has now been rolled out! We are proud to report that you and other Kiva Logic clients are the FIRST in the industry use responsive design. Responsive design means that no matter what size viewport your customer or potential customer is using, your website will dynamically adjust the size of elements, spacing, fonts, layouts, if you need to hire a painter and decorator in Penarth click here and more to optimize the viewing experience.

Over 30% of all visits to websites using the Kiva Logic software in 2013 have been from mobile or tablet devices. iPhones, iPads, and Android phones are top used devices in this traffic segment but alternative tablets and smart phone site views are also growing as you can see. This trend will only continue upwards, so it's more important than ever to make sure that your business website looks great on all sized screens and devices.

WHY This is so Important

Websites designed for viewing solely on a desktop browser can appear clunky, difficult to navigate, and frustrating on bandwidth for mobile browsers. By adapting your site to fit the customers' or potential customers' screen we are helping to make their experience with your company infinitely more positive and productive.

"Unlike desktop and laptop users, who multitask between work, play and casual research, mobile users are focused. Smartphone users are transaction-oriented." - Mashable

Responsive design allows us to build a sign up process that is just as simple to navigate and complete on an iPhone as it is a Desktop computer. This can help increase conversion rates and we all know what that means- more customers!  By responding to the way that your customers want to use your website, we can help make a smoother user experience that is just one more aspect that can help lead to conversions, referrals, growth, and positive online reviews.

The Tech

We chose Twitter Bootstrap 2.0 as our responsive design framework. Developed by a team at Twitter, this framework is widely used across the internet and compatible all the back to Internet Exploror 7 (remember that old dinosaur?). Other sites that use Bootstrap that you may have heard of include LifeHacker, the Rolling Stones, Angry Birds, Discovery.

What You Have to Do

Nothing- the new design update has already been rolled out for your site! We encourage you to visit your site on any device you can to see exactly how responsive design works. We would also love to hear your feedback and the feedback of your customers, so please forward along any reviews you may get.

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