2024-03-20 The Menu Builder Update


  • you can use the arrow keys to navigate the box content inputs!!
  • we are calling it the menu builder now

Continuing on...

Perhaps the worst name for an admin page I have ever come up with is "Box Planner". When I launched version 2 of the Admin side, this was the name given to the page that everyone calls the "Menu Builder" or "Menu Planner". "Box Planner" is just the most blah, barely-accurate, crummy name for such an important page. So, as of today, it's now the "Menu Builder".

And there's a bunch of updates on it.

  • Better use of screen real estate
  • Tabs to organize your boxes AND it's easy to do now

Actually, I'll stop with those two. There's a lot of style and design updates, all built to make your life easier and the "Menu Builder" page easier to use.

Anyone use Help Scout?

It's starting to happen where more people are using ChatGPT to create emails. Personally, I find it annoying, because now instead of just getting to the point, an email will have 5-6 paragraphs of mostly fluff.

I've made a personal decision to not use ChatGPT for my daily communications with my customers through the help desk.

But, I will use it to help decipher the inbound emails.

I have a new feature that will read each inbound email, condense it down to the smallest amount of legible text possible, and also include a recommend, very short, reply. Here's how it works:

  1. HelpScout send the incoming email to our webhook
  2. The webhook stores the data
  3. The webhook then looks for the customer on the admin
  4. The webhook then send the message and any customer info (name, contact) to ChatGPT
  5. ChatGPT responds
  6. We send the responce and attach it as a 'note' on the email thread in HelpScout

So- it only works with HelpScout right now, because that's what I use. If you use HelpScout and are interested, let me know.

Logged In Sub Navigation

For years, if you logged in as a customer you would see this little sub-navigation section to help customers navigate:

It's awful. Recently, I added it to the settings, recurring items, and shop page so at least it would be consistent and you can now click back and forth between all those pages.

However, it's still awful and I don't like it.

We recently added a mobile navigation tray that performs this duty, but it only shows up on smaller screens, so here is the update on desktop now:

This sub-menu is now part of the static header, and only appears when people are logged in. So much better AND this gives us room to grow as we add more stuff that needs to be in front of the customer's face all the time.

If you have left navigation in your header, we tried to make the sub-menu text float left as well, just because it looks a little better.

Try Failed Payments when Card is Updated

On your Billing->Payments page, there is a new setting we call "Try Failed"

When customers update their credit card, the system will now attempt to process any failed payment records in their system.

There is also a setting that allows you to include "Uncollectable Debt" as well! When paired with setting customers as status "Card Decline", it makes for a nice, fairly automatic way to re-activate customers who have a failed payment. Read more.

Other Updates

  • many misc. style updates
  • tons of vendor libraries updated to latest versions, this is a lot of behind-the-scenes work, but nothing really different for you to see
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