More Info Before Subbing Out

This feature attempts to show the customer more information to dissuade them from subbing out the product.

Each product now has a new page at that will show the info for the product that you have entered into the admin side. This include the name, image, description, and any tabs that you have created for the product.

When a customer logs into make subs on their order, below the name of the product they will see a link that says 'information/uses'. This link will take them to the new 'info' page for that product.

If the customer clicks on the image to sub the product out, they will see an abbreviated version of this info page, along with an option to still sub out the product:

The links displayed like "Uses" and "How to Store" are simply the names of the description tabs that you have created for the product.

When the customer clicks on those links, it takes them to the new info page for the product that displays all the content for each of those description tabs.

If the customer still wants to sub, they can click on the "Sub Out" tab or link.

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