2025-02-25 Pause Updates

Hey Folks,

Thank you for the wonderful feedback! Had some awesome emails come in, so I wanted to build as quick as I could- I can't name names, but there was one person out there that had some really great feedback and I appreciate you (AG reference!)

Here are a few new settings now to customize how the Subscription Pause feature works:

  • set max days for custom date range pause (default is 180)
  • "notify only" option, instead of auto-reactivating
  • two new email templates you can edit (one for auto reactivating, the other for propting customers to reactivate)
  • when skipping an order, an option to not display the 'pause' link

For the emails, I wrote them in a pretty generic style so they can be used by anyone across the board (with a little help from our LLM friends), so you don't even have to edit the two new email templates if you don't want to. There are links on the 'Subscriptions Pause' page to get to them.

All these settings are available on the Settings->'Subscriptions Pause' admin page (you can just type in 'pause' in the instant search bar and a link to the page will show up)

Read more about the pause feature on our docs site

Have a great Thursday!

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