Getting Started with the Kiva Logic Software

The Kiva Logic home delivery ecommerce software runs your business online. To get started go to You'll be asked to enter in your email and create a password.

Next, you will be prompted for the name of your business. Then the Kiva Logic software will automatically set up your new system, and after about 10 seconds, you'll be redirected to your new system located at

Our simple setup wizard will guide you through some easy steps to learn more about your business and how you operate. You can skip the wizard and dive right in to the admin side any time you'd like as well.

Importing Data

There are numerous tools to help you import your customer, delivery, and product data, but we are also more than happy to help import that data for you.


Using our theme designer, you can control the color scheme, layout, and more that your new ecommerce site has. If you have an existing website, we are also happy to help build a custom theme for you based off your website so there is a high level of continuity between your website and your Kiva Logic ecommerce site. This helps improve customer confidence and will make your business look and feel more professional.

Domain or Subdomain

If you wish to use the Kiva Logic software on your main domain- no problem! You can customize your front page, and we'll help you get your domain settings update so that when people go to, they will see your Kiva Logic ecommerce website.

If you already have a website, for example, you run a WordPress install on your main domain, then all you have to do is simply point any links for 'shop', 'login', or 'sign-up' to the subdomain that we provide for you, ie. You can also have the Kiva Logic software run on a custom subdomain like '' as well.

Then, you just link customers in to the shop, login, or sign up pages located at,, etc.


The admin side will walk you through the basics of operation, but we are here to help with any training needs you may have. Just drop a note to to schedule some time for training.

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