Kiva Logic Modes of Operation & Overview
Kiva Logic has two modes of operation, one meant for subscription-first companies, and the other for a-la-carte first.
Subscription First
This mode of operation is meant for companies that require their customers to first sign up for a 'box'. A box is a collection of items, for example, if you run a produce company you might have three boxes for customers to choose from: 'Small Box', 'Medium Box', and 'Large Box'.
Each box can have different contents, in different quantities. A 'Small Box' might have 2 bananas, 2 apples, 1 mango, 1 lettuce, and 1 kale. A large might have the same items with more variety and higher quantities.
Common Applications
Most businesses that operate using this mode are weekly produce delivery companies, organic cloth diaper delivery companies, and any others that sell a 'collection' of items that a customer must sign up to first.
This is the ideal operational mode for produce companies, as the menu for a 'small box' may change every single week.
Sign Up Process
Customer selects the box they wish to receive
Customer enters in their delivery information
Customer selects their schedule, start date, and payment information
- Sign up is complete!
Based on the customers' choices, the system will automatically generate an order for them based on their schedule. Customers can change box types any time.
Customers have the option to sub out items from their box that they don't want, and choose replacement items that work for them instead. The system will automatically give them a list of suitable subs based on the wholesale cost of the item they are subbings out. For example, if they are subbing out 1 head of lettuce that costs $1, then the system may offer them the option of receiving 2 apples instead that cost $.50 each. That is a fair sub. The +/- amount can be set, and is by default set to $.15, so anything in between $.85 and $1.15 is accetable to the system..
When customers have an order scheduled for the current week, there is a window between when the order is created for them, and when the order is locked in to begin delivery preparations. During this window, customers can change their box type, skip their order, make subs, and shop for additional items to be delivered with their order.
A La Carte First
In 'a la carte' operation mode, customers can browse a shop, select the items they wish to order, and then checkout. They can still select how often they would like an item (one time, weekly, biweekly, etc), but they are not forced to first select a 'box'.
Common Applications
The most common business type using this format are pet supply delivery companies. This mode of operation is best for businesses that have a fairly static (non-changing) inventory of products.. typically non-perishable or long shelf-life items. This mode is also good when your range of products doesn't require a base 'box' and allows customers to create their own recurring list of items.
Sign Up Process
Customer browse the shop
Customer add items to their cart
Customer checks out
- Done!
Weekly Cycle
The software is based off a weekly cycle that uses Sunday as an anchor point. In a nutshell, this is the weekly cycle:
Start a new week
Update/modify the menu for any 'boxes' you may have
Create orders
- Send out the weekly email notifying customers that there order is ready for modifications.
Typical Week
This is an example of a typical week while running your business on the Kiva Logic software:
Friday - Start a new week, gather your pricelists, decide what is going to be on the menu, generate orders, and send out the weekly email.
Saturday - Monday - Customers log in, make subs, make add-ons, and admin users watch the inventory to make adjustments based on what is selling well, or what your farmer/distributor might report is running low or out of stock.
Tuesday - Orders are automatically locked in, and no more changes can be made by customers. Admin users will perform routing, download the labels for packing, and download the driver sheet that tell drivers any special instructions/notes for each delivery on their route.
Most companies will also bill the day before delivery, so this is when you would do that part. Billing can be set up to manual (just a couple clicks on the admin), or automatic. Most companies like to manually run billing.
Wednesday - Thursday - Delivery days! Wake up early, use your labels to pack each order, load your vehicles, and hit the road! Handle customer service as it comes in, and make sure all of your deliveries happen.
... and repeat!