Google Product Feeds
The Kiva Logic Google Product Feed feature allows you to use a real-time feed to provide product information to Google Merchant Center and other merchant centers that are compatible with the Google Product data specification. A product feed is one of the requirements for Google Merchant Center. These product feeds can also be used in product ad campaigns.
Product feeds can also be used in various other places around the web.
Locating the product feed URL
To find the product feed for one of your shop categories, simply add ".xml" to the url of the shop category. For example, we'll locate the product feed for a shop category call 'Veggies' on the Kiva Logic Demo website.
The veggies category in the Kiva Demo website:
To turn the shop category into an XML product feed, just add ".xml" at the end:
Here is an example of the xml that is generated for this example using the "Veggies" category: