The Official Kiva Logic Documentation
Kiva Logic provides ecommerce SaaS for home delivery companies around the world since 2010. Welcome to our official documentation! Some of the businesses that use our software include:
organic produce subscription box companies
Community Supported Agriculture farms/companies (CSA)
water home delivery services
pet food/supplies home delivery businesses
organic cloth diaper weekly pickup/dropoff companies
- ... and more. Not sure if we could help your business? Ask away at
Not a customer yet? Create an account and try it for free. Questions, comments, bug reports, and feature requests are always welcome at
Just looking to browse our documentation? Check out the Getting Started page, or use the main menu to navigate. Search for specific subjects using the search bar.
Customer from before 2016?
If you joined Kiva Logic before 2016, you are using the first version of the administration interface. If you joined in 2016 or later, you are using V2 of the admin interface.
For our pre-2016 customers, you can switch to the next generation of the admin interface anytime. Read more about V2 here.
We have no plans to sunset the first version of the admin interface and will continue supporting it, but it is important to note that all new features being built will run on the V2 interface.
Kiva Logic around the internet
Here are a few links to keep you up-to-date with what's happening here at Kiva Logic. - Status updates, maintenance alerts. - New features, bug fixes, updates, and more - View our uptime. - Login or create your Kiva Logic account. - Documentation (this site) - @KivaLogic on Twitter. News, updates.
- - Our blog! Updated once or twice a month.