Miscellaneous Questions Software-Unrelated
This FAQ is a catch-all for questions related to what the Kiva Logic software can and can't do. Mostly software-unrelated, miscellaneous questions.
Can I create a page for blogging?
We don't have a built-in blogging system unfortunately!
You could create a 'content' page and update that, but it'd probably be useless after several blog posts.
What most companies do is set up a blog on wordpress or elsewhere, then we can point a sub-domain to it like "blog.argospet.com", and link it in to the main site.
Most blogging systems have an option to use a custom domain, so we would just need to know what sub-domain you want to use and where it should be pointed (ip address or CNAME) so we can update your DNS records.
I use Routific for our delivery routes (the free version) Which option should I use? Routific Integration or Routific using their web interface?
The Routific API integration is available for paid Routific accounts. If you are using the free version of Routific, use the Kiva Logic routing method setting ' Routific using their web interface'. This will give you a CSV to export from Kiva Logic that you can upload to Routific, and then Routific will provide a CSV for you to upload back to Kiva Logic to track your route and stop numbers.
Do you support social authentication (ie Log in with Facebook, Log in with Twitter)?
No. Being dependent on social companies for allowing customers to log in or sign up has always been a concern. We may build this in the future, we may not.
We do not connect to social media accounts. On the admin side, we do look up and see if customers have any Gravatar's set for their profile pics.
Do you support Google checking of delivery addresses?
Yes, but only in the background, nothing that can block a customer. If a customer enters in an address that isn't recognized by google on sign up, then would you rather:
- lose that customer because they can't sign up.
- fix the address yourself later
We think the latter is best. The less a customer has to deal with when signing up, the better.
In the background though, the software automatically picks up any new addresses, sends them over to the Google Maps API, and retrieves the longitude and latitude. If no geo-coordinates are found, then an alert is placed on the Dashboard of the admin that says something like "Hey! We can't find geo-coords for this customer, you might need to fix their address!".
Then you can fix the address (contacting the customer if need be) and you have not lost a new signup because their address wasn't 100% perfect.
Is there was a way to flag nonpayment reactivations or customers who just don't pay?
When a customer fails to pay, often times the default reaction is to set their account to 'stopped'. The problem is they can still log in and re-activate their account.
At the moment what you can do is set the account status to 'dead'. What this does is prevents the customer from reactivating. When they try to log in to their account, they will see a message saying 'please contact customer service', and it will not allow them to log in.
It will also generate an alert that is placed on the dashboard that says the customer attempted to log in.
A Customer is having trouble logging in? Customer can't log in?
If a customer is having trouble logging in to the software, here are a couple things you can check:
If you are linking to the login page from your website, an email, blog, or somewhere, make sure that the link looks like this: "https://www.yourdomain.com/login" or "https://shop.yourdomain.com/login"
You can manually set the users' password to anything by visiting their account and entering a new password. Then you must send them an email.
The customer can visit the forgot password page and enter in their email to get a reset link.
YOU can visit the reset password page and enter their email to have an email link sent to them.
- Customers can enter their address and opt to receive a magic link that will log them in automatically
Other possible things that could be wrong:
customer is using the wrong email address
customer's email address is wrong
customer's email address is spelled wrong (ex: "bob@gmail.co", they forget to type in the "m" to make it "bob@gmail.com")
- customer is using the wrong password (note: because passwords are stored using one-way encryption, it is impossible for you to see their existing password)
If none of those possibilities solve the problem, please send an email to hello@kivalogic.com with the customer id number and any information you have gathered regarding the above.
Can customers pause their account?
Customers can customize their schedule up to 8 weeks out. If customers cancel their account, they can log in at any time to re-activate it. There is not an actual 'pause' button, but they can skip multiple weeks out on their calender.
Can customers/members have an account without a subscription?
No. A potential customer can not register/login/sign-up without having an active subscription.
You might be better suited to use MailChimp to collect email addresses from customers' who are not ready to commit.
Will the software email customers 24 before their order cut off time?
We only have delivery today, delivery tomorrow and payment failed/succeeded emails that are related to this question. No '24 hours until cutoff' email, although you could manually send that out through the orders page if you really wanted to. Maybe another feature for the build list...
Can delivery fees be set by a percentage? (can I charge 10% delivery fee?)
No. You can set a delivery fee two ways:
a) $10 delivery fee for everyone
b) $10 delivery fee if order total is under $40 (just an example)
No percentages, only dollar amounts.
Does Kiva Logic do delivery optimization?
No. You can set the stop numbers for your routes manually using pins on a map in the Kiva Logic software, but we do not provide automated delivery optimization. We DO integrate with Routific, WorkWave, RouteSavvy, and a few other companies for delivery optimisations.
You have to have an account with them though, and that is not included in the Kiva Logic pricing.
Do you have a driver app?
We have a basic mobile-friendly driver app, but other companies like Routific do much better in this area.
Does the software link each delivery with a transactional ID, so everyone knows what transaction the actual delivery is for? Is it printed on the delivery label?
Each order has a unique ID. Labels are printed by route and printed by stop number. Labels have all order contents, name, address, phone, stop number, route, special delivery instructions, etc,etc and a few optional options like a QR code that links to a URL that you specify (like your blog “scan the QR code for this week's recipes!”)
Each driver also has their own 'Driver Sheet' that contains info, in correct stop number order, of each delivery on their route.
Is there a referral program that allows for customers/members to invite friends and family to join up?
Each customer has a unique referral URL they can share, and they can also use our 'tell a friend' page to email their friends. For each customer that signs up using their referral code, the new customer gets $10/off their first delivery, and the existing customer gets a $10 credit added to their account (amounts can $5, $20, whatever).
No percentage, and no on-going credits- just one credit for each new referral.
We just launched a 'referral leaderboard' so you can tell customers “who ever refers the most new customers between August and December 31 will receive $200 bonus credit!” or something like that.
Is there a VIP customer recognition system?
Not really, but we do have a few tools you can use:
“Order Count Events” allow you to automatically send a special email and apply a $10 credit to a customer after they receive their 25th order. (just an example). Read more about "order count events"
- Admins can set a customer to have a VIP icon printed on their label and on the driver sheet so Drivers/Packers know to pay extra special attention to that order. The customer knows nothing though, this is simply an operational feature.
Can I charge (bill) a customer right when they sign up? Can I charge them before their order is locked in?
The problem here is if you bill before the cutoff, the contents and the order totals could change.
Here's a very simple sample weekly routine:
Monday – Weekly cycle day. Build menu, create orders, send weekly email
Tuesday-Wednesday – customers can shop, sub, change their order
Thursday noon – orders locked in. Billing happens. Emails go out to failed payments. If customers don't get in touch with you, then you can cancel their order
Friday- delivery day.
- Saturday-Sunday - Margarita time.
Customers are not billed when they sign up, but when their order is locked in. You can't bill people before you know what their final total is going to be. Customers can view order/transaction/credits history through their account setting page.